Sunday, December 29, 2019

Hurricane Katrina And Its Impact On The United States

Hurricane Katrina is considered as one of the worst hurricanes ever recorded in the history of the United States. It was the sixth strongest Atlantic hurricane ever and the third strongest on record that had reached the United States (Chambers, 2007). According to Brinkley (2006), the hurricane occurred on August 29th, 2005, and had a massive physical impact on the land and to the residents of New Orleans City .Before the hurricane; there was massive destruction of the wetlands besides construction of canals which increased the erosion rates in the lands. After the floods, much of the city’s water was contaminated leading to the loss of the aquatic lives and indigenous plants (Galea Brewin, 2007). Introduction Arguably, the hurricane†¦show more content†¦Moreover, Brinkley (2006) observed that the hurricane indicated a clear defective levee system and the Orleans City gave a true picture of American government’s neglect, prejudice, inequalities and total dysfunction of its engineering sector especially in the city. This was evident at every stage before the occurrence of the hurricane and after. There were several failures in the logistics concerning disaster preparations and management, engineering malfunctions and failures as was revealed after Hurricane Katrina (Galea Brewin, 2007). The paper tends to highlight the environmental crimes committed before and after hurricane Katrina. The paper also vividly illustrates the lessons learned from the disaster and possible ways of improving from the shortfalls. Lastly, it concludes the main findings of the effects of the Hurricane Katrina. Environment Crimes before the Hurricane Katrina For a long time before the human-driven developments along the Mississippi Delta, the Delta was well maintained by the sediments that replenished the wetlands. These sediments helped clear the accumulation of sands which were brought by erosions (Kessler Parker, 2006). These wetlands and barrier islands protected the region along the Gulf Coast for thousands of years (Kirk, 2012). Over the years, the population along the Delta region rose and most people had a negative perception on the perennial flooding. Levees that were erected on the banks to act as protection soon become

Saturday, December 21, 2019

How Is Gender Identity Influenced by Social Structures Essay

What is meant by identity? Firstly this essay is going to explore what is meant by identity. Identity is made up of individual characteristics by which a person is known. Internal factors such as physical appearance, personality, mental ability and sex would have an affect on a persons identity. Then there are the external factors such as family, class, religion, culture, occupation and nationality which would influence ones identity. Then, even beyond all these personal and social structures, societal opinions about gender, race, culture, ethnicity and nationality must have an impact on identity. Many attributes of identity are formed from childhood experience, adolescence, early adulthood and are ever forming. Identity can†¦show more content†¦Women on the other hand can wear trousers, jackets and even ties and this is considered completely normal. The same can be said for make-up and hairstyle. Traditionally, woman generally had long hairstyles and men had short hair, but nowadays many women have short boyish cuts and men are even growing their hair long. It is still very rare to find men wearing make-up unless they are cross dressing. There is also genetic evidence which can be used to differentiate between men and women. This is done with a DNA test, which in women would present two X chromosomes and in men one X and one Y chromosome. Generally people would only have two sex chromosomes, but on the rare occasion there have been people with more than two, and in these cases they could be defined either way, male or female. There are many aspects to identity, and there are several dimensions to each of these aspects. Culturally, where we come from, different religions, beliefs and values that we may have. Class, our economic background, education and the lifestyle we have. Occupation and Income. Life experience and upbringing. Change. Biology and Genetics. Society. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Primark Free Essays

Primark stores ltd is a major retail group employing over 10,000 people. A company which has achieved superior performance in recent years is an associated British Foods plc subsidiary called primark. Primark opened its first store in june 1969 in Ireland, where it operates at Penneys. We will write a custom essay sample on Primark or any similar topic only for you Order Now Today it has a total of more than 193 stores operating in Ireland, Spain, UK, the Netherlands, Portugal and Germany and is till aggressively expanding . n the UK, where primark has its maximum numbers of stores. Primark is seconds to Asda’s George in terms of the largest numbers of clothes sold by volume, overtaking established reputed companies such as Marks Spencer. It is reported that their profits have increased by 10% and sales increased by 20% in the year 2009 even though each of its three main markets were subject to recessionary pressure and a decline in consumer confidence. Primark has won several awards each year since 2005and its most recent awards are â€Å"best budget store on the High Street at the GMTV High Street Fashion awards 2009 (awarded 7th may 2009), Retailer of the year for the second year in succession at the BCSC Gold Awards and Value Retailer of the year at the Drapers Record Awards. Apart from this, primark has also been successful in establishing it brand name. celeberties such as Katie Holmes have been spotted earing its Clothes and they also been featured in one fot eowrlds most premium fashion magazine Vogue. Primark has numerous competitors such as New Look, HM and TK Maxx although its biggest competitor in the UK is Asda’s clothing brand George. Primark has managed to increase sales and make profits during turbulent economic climate even when well established brands like Next have not been able do so. Primark adopts the â€Å"no frills† strategy which many successful business in other industries like Ryan air have adopted. They describe themselves as having â€Å"a lean business which responds quickly in the market place, has short lines of management , good buying and excellent distribution†. Furthermore, unlike its competitors, primark specifically targets people under the age of 35. these are the people who are the most fashion conscious. Primark has excellent â€Å"time to market† and it is said that it takes them a maximum of 6 weeks to get the latest trends from the catwalks to the shop floors. Primark has very clearly positioned themselves as being at the absolute bottom end of the market in terms of prices unlike some of its competitors such as Marks and Spencer which have mid range prices. Primark has a clear marketing strategy where it provides the young generation with the trendiest clothes at the lowest prices possible. This is further emphasized by its company slogan â€Å"look good pay less†. †¢ Primark target customer is fashion-conscious and wants value for money. Primark can offer value for money by †¢ Sourcing products efficiently †¢ Making clothes with simpler designs †¢ Using local fabrics and trims †¢ Focusing on the most popular sizes †¢ Buying in volume †¢ Not spending heavily on advertising Task 01 Communication It is a process of exchange of ideas and information between two persons or more through effective way to achieve both general and special purpose. Communication is a key skill in getting what you need from life. It is basically the sending and receiving of messages. [pic] internal communication internal communication is a subset of effective business communication. Internal communication in a business context, is the dialogue process between employees and employer, and employees and employees. How to cite Primark, Papers Primark Free Essays Primark: An Overview Primark Stores Limited is an Irish clothing retailer. Its stores are located in various regions like United Kingdom, Ireland, and Spain. Within this area of responsibility, Primark stores outnumbered other clothing retailer business, with one hundred sixty one stores overall distributed in three major regions: one hundred twenty-five in the United Kingdom, thirty-four in Ireland and eight in Spain. We will write a custom essay sample on Primark or any similar topic only for you Order Now The company positions itself as marketing fashionable at cutthroat prices. The original clothing store was established by Arthur Ryan and his collaborator Micaela Mitchell in Dublin Ireland in 1969.After various success in clothing business, great profits and gross income led them to open stores in local and regional areas. It acquired various premises in different business centers within its local and regional areas which eventually generate more profits and income. Primark is known for selling clothes at the budget end of the market. Its success is based on sourcing supply, making clothes with simple designs and fabrics and targets young, fashion-conscious individuals ages 35 below, offering them simple yet high quality clothes and apparels.Hence, these successes brought significant changes on Primark’s retail business. The relevance of global trends and consumers’ demands on lifestyle made Primark Store Limited reinvent its business scheme and management structure. Primark’s management and business structure As a famous clothing retail store, recently, Primark embarks in different retail products not only restricted on manufacturing clothes but also other related products such as apparels and accessories available to all human sizes. Primark employs simple managerial operation on its stores structure.Each store has its own manager responsible in overseeing the status and business operations. With managers’ inherent authority, they are given the power and control to manage the store w ithin his/her point of responsibility. Moreover, in smaller or larger branches, assistant and deputy managers are assigned to control and manage the store. Within the store, there are different subdivided departments in which a manager is assigned like senior department managers and junior department managers who are in charge for individual departments.Moreover, under management, there are supervisors in charge of staff on a sales floor, on different departments like stock room staff, customer service staff, customer service desk, cashiers who work on the tills, cash office staff and staff responsible to look after fitting rooms. This management and business structure posits a simple way of managing human labor force, however, simple it may seem, yet inevitably creates serious problems and issues if and when proper assessment of the structure will be undervalued.Analysis on the internal and external environment of Primark retail industry   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The Primark clothing retail industry i s a member of Ethical Trading Initiative, a collaborative forum bringing together businesses to work on labor rights issues in their supply chains. In fact, Primark developed ethical strategy in order to promote labor rights issues within its organization. Certain guidelines and code of conduct must be defined in relation to the ethical implications of work to human labor rights. Primark, initiated and defined its ethical trade strategy in 2006, focusing on assessment of employees working conditions, factories operations’ concerns and addressed necessary improvement. Primark’s annual report of activity should be passed to the Ethical Trading Initiative Board. Moreover, Primark stands to a principle that shared learning and collaboration is one of the most successful ways to achieve sustained positive progression with its supplier’s factories. However, climate change within and outside Primark’s environment changes as it faces the challenges posed by the global business market.Using PESTLE and SWOT analysis, let us examine the ins and outs environment of Primark’s retail clothing industry. The PESTLE analysis allows us to examine the external factors affecting the environment of an organization while SWOT analysis aids us to assess organization’s internal strengths and weaknesses and further identify threats and opport unities external to its environment. Hence, these methods are helpful for us to understand and underline positive and negative factors affecting the external and internal environment of an organization like Primark. In assessing the political, social, and economic factors external to the environment of Primark, we must consider different issues. Primark’s business operations are subject to government policies and regulations. The business firm should conform to the set of policies and regulations stipulated and enforced by the government and policy making body while conforming to the set of regulations and policies, the firm should assume social responsibility as demanded by the global consciousness.Nowadays, business sectors no longer busied themselves to produce bonds of profits and income but deeply involved in social programs to promote social awareness and equality. Cultural and social behaviors of different consumers are important to consider when establishing or venturing business in the global landscape. Furthermore, economic, environment, laws, and technology are inseparable entities in which influence the business operations. The economic stability of certain region can contribu te allot to the business condition of certain firm, like Primark. Technology on the other hand, brought a tremendous effect to the status and development of business operations and marketing programs. It generates new trends in a rapid movement, which if organizations are unaware will impede growth and development. Hence, Primark’s must constantly assess its strategy with consideration to its PESTLE as external factors that in one way or the other affects its internal and business operations. Assessing the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of Primark, we go back to its established management or business structure.The need for re-tracking the management or business structure is important in analyzing its SWOT. As to my knowledge upon my encounter with Primark’s business operations, its strengths are gained in its simple, systematic and organized business structure, having assigned proper authorities to proper positions. Moreover, its recognition for valuing high quality of products and quality services with its customer s garnered more strength to attract more people. On the other hand, Primark’s weaknesses can be found in its way of managing people.Although, Primark is a member of Ethical Trade Initiative, study shows given different negative issues concerning its business operations and transactions like child labor, purports less value on ethical matters. Different issues were attacking Primark concerning exploitation and abuse on labor force, other environmental concerns, poor working conditions, and disvaluing workers’ rights. Primark in different surveys was labeled as a fashion industry with oppressive regime. The primacy of autocratic and rigidity on standard structures can be a weakness as well as threats to the life of the company.Since, it goes globally, opportunities are in wide array not only on the part of venturing into regions with much income and profit to gain but also an opportunity to share and provide quality products to fashion-conscious people with vogue to fashion lifestyle. Conclusion Given this analysis we come to realize that each organization has its own external and internal problems to handle. The process in which we enable to identify and analyze such problems is by using proper management method of analysis like SWOT and PESTLE. The importance of these methods is squared to the importance of the business itself. How to cite Primark, Papers